The Financial Harmony Blog

Fuel your mind and empower yourself with practical financial advice and business tips to better your business and achieve your goals.

How Much Does a CPA Charge To Prepare Your Tax Return? small business tax planning May 23, 2024

I recently read this in a forum of business owners online:

“I like my accountant, but how much does it cost to get your tax returns filed?”

They were looking for opinions to see if what...

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The Ultimate Goal of a Comprehensive Tax Strategy? It's Not What You Think! business strategy financial advice profit strategy tax planning Apr 15, 2024

Here’s something that may surprise you. The ultimate goal of a good, comprehensive tax strategy is NOT to save taxes.

Let me explain.

Paying less in taxes is the byproduct of a comprehensive...

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Top 10 Tax Planning Strategies Every Business Owner Should Know tax law tax planning Mar 14, 2024

Tax planning is a fundamental aspect of financial management for business owners. By implementing effective tax strategies, you can minimize your tax liability and keep more of your hard-earned...

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How To Tell If You're Losing Money Overpaying Taxes financial advice optometry practice tax planning Nov 21, 2022

One of the reasons clients come to me is to find out if they're overpaying their taxes. My common answer is yes, most practice owners are overpaying their taxes. It doesn’t matter if they are...

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5 Ways To Be In The Top 5% of Successful Optometry Practices financial advice optometry practice profit strategy tax planning Nov 21, 2022

Most of us are familiar with small business studies which state things like:

  • 80% of small businesses fail within the first 5 years
  • 80% of small businesses that survive after 5 years will be...
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