We advise you by using proactive business, tax, and cash flow solutions combined with a comprehensive approach to your unique circumstances and life goals.
We’ll help you develop a proactive game plan to generate tax-free wealth and keep more of your hard-earned money. Stop worrying about your finances and put that energy back into having maximum impact in the lives of your patients and clients.
Are YOU ready for a simpler way to manage your money and reach your goals?
Would you prefer to not stress for hours and hours over whether you’ll be able
to make payroll or pay all of your bills? Are you ready to ditch the complex spreadsheets, stop trying to decipher your financial statements on your own, and get back to spending time doing the things you got into your own business to do in the first place - to serve others and improve their lives?
If you are an independent optometrist, dentist, doctor, chiropractor, therapist, consultant, coach, advisor, or marketer then we can help you.
We have already helped hundreds of people to increase their wealth, improve their lifestyle, have a bigger impact and build and live their legacy.
Then we can show you how to do it - without doing the tasks you don’t love to do!
You will be able to build a foundation for real wealth accumulation with confidence.
You will have real-time control over your cash flow so you can focus more on what you’re good at and passionate about.
You will beat the IRS at their own game - legally, ethically and morally.
You will be able to have peace of mind about your financial situation and stop letting it distract you from people who need your service and support.
AND you will be able to do all of this while experiencing the passion and joy that drove you to start your own business in the first place.
Feel how free you are when you realize you won’t have to be an economic slave to your business for it to be successful.
With our proven method you can lay a financial foundation for your business in 90 days or less and learn how to leverage that foundation to accelerate your wealth accumulation.
You know that, at its core, the current financial services system is broken and not helping you reach your goals. Constantly focusing on what has happened in the past.
Leaving you to work more hours to bring in more revenue while your bank accounts keep dwindling downward. Spending away your profits at the end of the year just to save taxes.
Financial Harmony will allow you to leave all of this confusion and conflicting advice behind.
Promoting a healthier and better lifestyle for your patients and clients and building wealth are parallel processes. The larger your wealth and personal prosperity is, the greater your impact will become.
With our unique approach and abilities, we can instantly identify and understand where the opportunities exist to improve your financial condition. Once we help you lay your financial foundations, we then show you how to leverage our techniques and help you grow your business faster and with intention. Becoming wealthy through your service business does not have to be in conflict with your purpose.
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ProWise Tax & Accounting LLC
DBA - ProWise Financial Consulting